1. 일시 : 2023.06.05
2. 장소 : 거제도 한내면 앞 해상
3. 침몰원인 : 해저 구조물 충돌로 인한 파공으로 선박 침몰
4. 조치 : 수중 파공 봉쇄 작업 및 사고선 예인(오션파이브), 침몰선 인양(구난업체)
1. Actual application of rupture blockade of sunken ships due to ship rupture and 100% rupture blockade.
2. Rupture shape : Shell structure with unbalanced shell height due to steel plate reinforcement of the hull, complex hole in the form of a tear and depression.
3. When salvaging a ship, it is possible to prevent secondary marine pollution due to discharge of pollutants inside the hull of a sunken ship.
4. Towing was completed by securing safety when towing the accident ship to the shipyard at a speed of 3.3~3.7 knots with O5 temporary pads attached.